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  •            Serial Detective Conan yang fenomenal karena episode tayangnya yang mencapai 500 episode lebih yang diangkat dari manga yang berjudul sama Detective Conan (Meitantei Konan) karya mangaka Aoyama Gosho. Dan kini sudah ada versi Amerika Serikat yang berjudul Case Closed. Tak hanya itu, serial ini juga sudah diangkat ke layar lebar sejak tahun 1997. Dan ini adalah daftar filmnya hingga tahun 2011.

    1.     1.  Judul (Jepang)   : Meitantei Konan Tokei Jikake no Matenrou
    Judul (Inggris)    : Detective Conan: The Time-Bombed Skyscraper
    Tanggal Rilis        : 19 April 1997
    Durasi                   : 95 menit
    Pendapatan (¥) : 1 miliar
    Sinopsis                :
    Film perdana Detective Conan ini menceritakan tentang ulang tahun Sinichi. Namun, beberapa hari menjelang ulang tahun Sinichi terdapat teror bom dari seseorang yang menelepon Sinichi dan menantangnya untuk menemukan beberapa bom diseluruh Beika.
    Bom- bom tersebut bukan hanya mengancam ketentraman Kota dan Conan sendiri tapi juga hampir mencelakakan orang- orang disekitar Conan seperti Detective Cilik dan Ran.
    Dalam keadaan kepala terluka akibat terhempas dan terbentur pohon saat meledakan bom, Conan datang ke Beika City Building tempat dimana klimaks teror bom terjadi dan didalam gedungnya terdapat Ran yang tengah menanti Sinichi dalam rangka merayakan ulang tahunnya. Ran yang sudah putus asa karena terjebak didalam gedung bersama korban lainnya, tiba- tiba terkagetkan karena kehadiran Sinichi dari balik gedung untuk menyelamatkan Ran. Dan ternyata bom terbesar ada di tempat Ran terjebak. Satu persatu kabel bom dipotong oleh Ran yang mendapat petunjuk dari Sinichi yang ada di balik gedung. Hingga tinggal dua kabel bewarna merah dan biru. Sinichi berkata kalau Ran salah memotong tak apa- apa dan mereka akan meledak bersama. Namun, belum sempat Ran memotong, gedung tempat Sinichi tiba- tiba runtuh dan Conan yang sebenarnya Sinichi itu diselamatkan oleh petugas. Akhirnya Ran mengambil keputusan untuk memotong kabel berwarna biru karena jika ia memotong warna merah, ia dan Sinichi akan terpisah. Dan bom pun gagal meledak. (aku hampir menagis melihat adegan Ran dan Conan yang saling berkomunikasi namun tak dapat berjumpa, apalagi saat Ran mengucapkan “Happy Birthday” pada Conan)
    Ternyata pelaku dibalik teror bom ini adalah profesor sekaligus arsitek, Moriya Teiji yang berkeinginan mengubah struktur kota Beika.
    2.       Judul (Jepang)   : Meitantei Konan Jyuuyon banme no Tagetto
    Judul (Inggris)    : Detective Conan: The Fourteenth Target
    Tanggal Rilis        : 18 April 1998
    Durasi                   : 99 menit
    Pendapatan (¥) : 1,05 miliar
    Sinopsis                :
    Film kedua Detective Conan ini mengisahkan tentang seorang pembunuh yang sepuluh tahun yang lalu dipenjarakan ole Kogoro Mouri kini telah bebas dari penjara. Segera setelah bebasnya orang tersebut, orang- orang yang memilki hubungan dengan Kogoro mendapat teror dan ancaman akan dibunuh, salah satunya istri Kogoro, Eri Kisaki. Untuk menangkap pembunuh tersebut Kogoro, Conan, Ran dan beberapa anggota kepolisian pergi kesebuah akuarium yang merupakan tempat yang ditunjuk oleh si pembunuh. Saat terjadi ledakan di tempat tersebut rombongan Conan berhasil keluar dari tempat itu bersama dengan si pembunuh. Conan harus segara menemukan siapa orang tersebut agar tidak ada lagi korban yang terbunuh.
    3.       Judul (Jepang)   : Meitantei Konan Seikimatsu no Majutsushi
    Judul (Inggris)    : Detective Conan: The Last Wizard of Century
    Tanggal Rilis        : 17 April 1999
    Durasi                   : 100 menit
    Pendapatan (¥) : 1,45 miliar
    Sinopsis                :
    Kaito Kid mengirimkan surat pemberitahuan bahwa ia ingin mencuri telur kenangan milik perusahaan Suzuki. Kogoro, Ran dan Conanpun terbang ke Osaka, ke tempat Museum seni milik perusahaan Suzuki tempat telur disimpan. Disana ada pula Hattori Heiji, Kazuha Toyama dan empat orang asing yakni orang Rusia, bisnis man, pencari dari China, dan reporter yang ikut berurusan dengan telur itu.
     Adegan seru ketika Kid melancarkan aksi pencuriannya, dan dengan konyolnya Kogoro dan Direktur Suzuki justru menikmati makan malam dengan sentuhan aksi Kid tapi tidak tahu kalau Kid tengah mencuri telur tersebut. Saat Kid berhasil membawa terbang telur kenangan itu, tiba- tiba ia ditembak oleh sosok misterius. Conan yang menyaksikan si penembak juga menemukan telur kenangan yang jatuh bersama monocle Kid dan burung merpatinya, ia khawatir apakah Kid jatuh ke laut dan tenggelam.

    Tiba- tiba datang seorang perempuan bernama Kousaka Natsumi yang mengaku sebagai cucu pemilik telur kenangan tersebut dan memiliki kertas desain telur. Dan dalam telur tersebut ada petunjuk yaitu kastil Yokosuka. Namun, dalam perjalan pencarian telur kedua, satu persatu dari orang asing itu tewas tertembak di mata kanannya yang diduga penambak yang sama pada kasus Kid dan bernama Scorpion.
    Akhirnya mereka melakukan pencarian telur di kastil Yokosuka, dan Conan juga di pusingkan dengan Scorpion selain itu ia merasa kalau Shiratori mengetahui identitas aslinya (sebenarnya Shiratori adalah Kid yang menyamar).
    Akhirnya mereka menemukan telur kedua bersama jenazah didalam peti dan terbukti bahwa itu adalah telur kenangan. Kasus belum selesai karena Kogoro dan Ran tiba- tiba menjadi sasaran tembak Scorpion, dan Scorpion membawa pergi telur dan membakar kastil. Namun ia terjebak bersama Conan dan Shiratori di dalam kastil yang terbakar.

                Judul (Jepang)   : Meitantei Konan Hitomi no Naka no Ansatsusha
    Judul (Inggris)    : Detective Conan: Captured in Her Eyes
    Tanggal Rilis        : 22 April 2000
    Durasi                   : 99 menit
    Pendapatan (¥) : 2,5 miliar
    Sinopsis                :
    Pada awal film ini menceritakan tentang rekreasi Sinichi dan Ran di Tropical Land. Lalu, terjadilah kasus penembakan dua opsir polisi secara berturut- turut. Namun tak seperti biasanya, pada kasus kali ini kepolisian Jepang tak menyewa jasa Detektiv Kogoro dan Inspektur  Megure serta bawahanya seperti tutup mulut atas kasus ini. Hingga, pada saat pernikahan salah satu opsir polisi. Opsir Sato Miwako ditembak oleh penembak misteris di kamar mandi di gedung tempat acara pernikahan digelar. Ran yang juga ada di kamar mandi, shock melihat opsir Sato ditembak didepan matanya.
    Ketika opsir Sato kritis dan yang paling mengejutkan bahwa Ran amat shock sehingga ia kehilangan memorinya. Ia tak bisa mengingat apapun bahkan tentang Sinichi Kudo. Conan yang juga terkejut mengetahui hal ini menduga kalau Ran sebenarnya melihat wajah dari penembak misterius itu. Dan pada keadaan genting inilah, akhirnya Inspektur  Megure menceritakan kejadian saat Inspektur Takamori dan ketiga bawahanya yang menjadi sasaran tembak tengah  memata- matai. Setelah diceritakanya kejadian tersebut kasus ini semakin berbelit- belit karena adanya ikatan antara orang- orang dengan kasus tersebut.
    Ran yang sudah agak baikan meskipun tetap kehilangan ingatan kini menjadi sasaran penembakan karena ia adalah saksi hidup penembakan tersebut. Nyawanyapun terancam namun diselamatkan oleh Conan. Hingga pada suatu hari, Ran mengingat tentang Tropical Land dan semua orang setuju untuk mengantar Ran kesana agar ingantannya segera pulih. Namun Ran meminta agar tidak memberitahu Conan akan hal ini dengan tujuan ia tak ingin melibatkan Conan dalam bahaya. Dan pelaku penembakan itupun mengikuti Ran ke Tropical Land untuk melenyapkan nyawa Ran. Conanpun datang dan terjadi aksi kejar- kejaran antara Ran, Conan, dan si penembak. Dan pada saat pengejaran ini, Conan menyatakan perasaanya kalau ia menyukai Ran dan ingin melindungi Ran. Ternyata pelaku penembakan itu dalah dokter yang merawat Ran.
    5.       Judul (Jepang)   : Meitantei Konan Tengoku e no Kauntodaun
    Judul (Inggris)    : Detective Conan: Countdown to Heaven
    Tanggal rilis         : 21 april 2001
    Durasi                   : 99 menit
    Pendapatan (¥) : 2,9 miliar
    Sinopsi                  :
    Di film ini diceritakan mengenai kemping detective cilik ke Tokyo. Dan mereka berencana untuk datang ke Nishitamashi Twin Tower yang diklaim sebagai gedung tertinggi se Jepang. Saat perayaan pembukaan gedung ini ternyata juga dihadiri oleh organisasi hitam. Tidak sengaja Conan mengetahui bahwa Gin berpikir Sonoko adalah sherry, karena dengan potongan rambutnya yang baru Sonoko tampak seperti Sherry. Selama pesta pembukaan berlangsung, terjadi pembunuhan dan tiba- tiba saja gedung itu terbakar. Dalam kebakaran tersebut banyak orang terperangkap didalamnya, salah satunya detektiv cilik. Conan dan Ai berusaha untuk membantu menyelamatkan mereka keluar dari gedung tersebut.

                Detective Conan adalah sebuah judul komik fenomenal dari Jepang karya mangaka Aoyama Gosho.
                Kisah Detective Conan dimulai ketika pemuda SMA Teitan, Sinichi Kudo yang tengah tamasya bersama teman masa kecilnya, Ran Mouri di Tropical Land. Insting Detektifnya menangkap sinyal kejahatan yang dilakukan oleh dua orang berbaju hitam. Dia mengikuti dan kepergok oleh salah seorang anggota. Karena takut Sinichi akan melaporkan transaksi ilegal mereka pada polisi, salah seorang dari dua orang berbaju hitam itu berencana membunuh Sinichi dengan meminumkan obat misterius, yang kini diketahui obat itu disebut APTX 4869.
                Sinichi yang telah meminum obat tersebut lalu ditinggal oleh dua orang berbaju hitam itu. Ajaib, Sinichi masih hidup tapi obat itu mengubah selnya dan mengubah tubuhnya menjadi ukuran tubuh anak kelas satu SD. Demi mencari keberadaan orang yang telah membuat tubuhnya mengecil, ia mengubah identitasnya menjadi anak kelas satu SD Teitan bernama Conan Edogawa dan tinggal bersama Kogoro Mouri. Dalam pencariannya, selalu ada kasus yang mengharuskan dirinya untuk memecahkan kasus tersebut, namun karena fisiknya anak kecil tak ada orang yang mau menanggapi analisanya. Akhirnya ia memanfaatkan Kogoro dan lahirlah Kogoro tidur.
                Dari judulnya sudah tertebak kalau komik ini bernuansa misteri detektif, dan cinta. Namun kali ini, akulah yang akan menjadi detektif  dan akan ku kupas tuntas fakta- fakta tak terduga dari komik Detective Conan ini. So, tak usah berlama- lama! Let check this out!
                Fakta tersembunyi:
    1.      Sinichi Kudo atau Conan Edogawa lahir tanggal 4 Mei. Dia 6 hari lebih tua dariku.
    2.      Setiap selesai menyelesaikan kasus atau sedang membahas sebuah kasus dengan klien, Kogoro, Ran, dan Conan selalu datang ke Coffee Poaro/ Coffee Poirot yang terletak di bawah apartement kantor Kogoro. Sampai pramuniaga hapal dengan kesukaan mereka, yaitu Kogoro kopi, Ran es lemon tea, dan Conan es kopi.
    3.      Dimana ada Conan disitu ada kasus kejahatan terjadi, tapi Inspekture Megure menganggap bahwa kehadiran Kogoro lah yang menimbulkan kesialan hingga ada kasus.
    4.      Kaito Kid itu sempurna dan menawan, tapi dia tidak suka makan ikan dan dia tidak bisa berskate board seperti Conan.
    5.      Di movie 14, yang tokoh utamanya Kaito Kid. Diceritakan betapa sesungguhnya Kid dan Conan begitu akrab dan mereka saling bahu- membahu sebagai lawan.
    6.      “Kamu merasa sudah tahu semuanya..hanya dengan membaca ringkasan awal novel?” saudara Shinichi Kudo, hantu bertopi di perpustakaan.
    7.      Ternyata saat awal kemunculan Kaito Kid, dalam surat tantangannya belum memakai simbol Kid tetapi menggunakan mawar berwarna pink. Sepertinya Kaito Kid menyukai mawar, ia pernah memberikannya pada Yukiko Kudo.
    8.      Walaupun Sinichi Kudo lebih cerdas dibanding Kogoro Mouri, tetapi dalam hal menyatakan cinta, mereka mempunyai pikiran yang sama. Saat Kogoro menyatakan cintanya pada Eri Kisaki, dia mengatakan..”I Love You so much. In this world, more than anyone else..”. begitu pula saat Sinichi dalam bentuk Conan menyatakan rasa sukanya pada Ran.
    9.      Kogoro phobia dengan ketinggian. Ia sangat takut jika ia berada di sebuah gedung tinggi yang dindingnya transparan dan tampak lantai dasarnya ia pasti gemetaran.
    10.  Genta suka sekali makanan olahan dari Unagi.
    11.  Ada banyak detektif di Detektif Conan. Karena Aoyama-sensei adalah otaku misteri, ada banyak karakter detektif yang mirip dengan karakter di Detektif Conan. Yaitu, Kogoro Akechi yang mirip dengan Kogoro Mouri. Mereka sama- sama cabul. Lalu ada Jules Maigret yang senang memakai topi seperti inspektur Megure. Heiji Hatori pun juga mirip dengan perwatakan Heiji Zenigata yang gampang berkelahi, memiliki sifat yang tulus, dan sama- sama maskulin. Cordelia Gray yang memiliki nama samaran sama dengan Shiho Miyano, Ai Haibara.
    12.  Info berikut ini aku dapatkan dengan membobol data dari kantor kepolisian Beika pusat. Kidding.
    Ini adalah data kasus yang terjadi dari buku 1-30. Total seluruh kasus ada 148 kasus. Gagal 15 kasus. Korban tewas (termasuk bunuh diri) ada 92 kasus. Dan pelaku yang ditangkap ada 90 orang.
    13.  Dari 148 kasus, terbanyak adalah kasus pembunuhan sebesar 92 kasus. 11 diantaranya adalah kasus pembakaran. 9 kasus kecelakaan dan sisanya 7 kasus penculikan, 3 kasus intimidasi, 3 kasus pencurian, 3 kasus perampokan, 5 kasus lain- lain.
    14.  Presentase motif dari kesekian kasus tersebut adalah 32,5 % benci; 28 % menyingkirkan pengganggu; 27,4 % balas dendam, kemelut cinta sebesar 5 % dan sisanya 6,5 % lain- lain.
    15.  Sedang metode pembunuhannya 15 diantaranya dengan penembakan, 11 kasus memakai racun, penikaman sebanyak 15 kasus, sebesar 24 kasus pencekikan, 10 dengan kekerasan, dan 27 kasus dengan berbagai macam trik.
    16.   Meski tidak pernah belajar mahyong, tapi Ran mahir bermain mahyong.
    17.  Conan bisa berubah kembali menjadi Sinichi sementara dengan meminum Paikaru dan Baigar, yakni sejenis arak China.
    18.  Opsir Sato Miwako tidak bisa menggambar dengan bagus.
    19.  Heiji Hattori boleh pandai bermain kendo, tapi ia buruk dalam bermain sepak bola. Menendang bola saja ia payah.
    20.  Keluarga Genta mengelola kedai sake.
    21.  Conan dan Sinichi itu buta nada. Dan suaranya fals jika sedang menyanyi.
    22.  Ternyata Kogoro Mouri adalah pemain judo terkuat di klub Judo di Universitas Beika sehingga dijuluki Sanshiro kota Beika.

    These were originally posted at AS boards, just so you're not confused as to when it says I want you to respond or something like that ^^.
    I’ll be going by the manga story line and only really the most important cases or something especially romantic or something that diverges from the anime.
    And I’ll be using the Japanese names of course so a name list is in order.
    Jimmy Kudo = Kudo Shinichi 
    Rachel Moore = Mouri Ran
    Richard Moore = Mouri Kogoro (Sleeping Kogoro)
    Booker Kudo = Kudo Yusaku
    Vivian Kudo = Kudo Yukiko (formerly Fujimine Yukiko)
    Inspector Megure = Megure-keibu (Megure Jyuzou)
    Eva Kaden = Kisaki Eri (Queen of the Courtroom)
    Harley Hartwell = Hattori Heiji
    Serena Sebastian = Suzuki Sonoko

    If I forgot some of the dub names it’ll be okay because I am going to explain who they are.
    All right from the beginning.

    Detective Conan (Meitantei Conan, mei=great tantei=detective)
    Kudo Shinichi is a “World Famous High School Detective.” He’s 16 and a second year in high school, more or less it’s like a junior. He used to be on the soccer team until his detective career took off but he was the best person on the team and could have been in one of the national teams if he hadn’t quit. He idolizes Sherlock Holmes and so his childhood friend, Mouri Ran is always telling him to shut up. She is the captain of the Karate team at Teitan High School.
    One day when walking home from school he meets up with Ran and starts yakking about Sherlock and saying how he loves being a detective and that the fan letters are a real perk. Ran doesn’t mind the letters but does tell him that he should pick one and stick with her. He of course looks at her because he likes her but like most guys is too chicken to say so. Before he leaves her she reminds him about his promise about taking her to TropicalLand (like Disneyland). After dogging a few kicks, a getting a peek at her underwear, he assures her that he remembers.
    The next day they go to TropicalLand and they get on the Mystery Coaster. A murder occurs and though Shinichi is sure that the men in black that were riding toward the back of the ride are not the killers he notes that one, the long silver/blond haired one, looks as if he wouldn’t think twice about killing anyone. After he solves the murder and is walking out of the park with Ran, he notices one of the men in black heading to a shadowy part of the park. He leaves Ran and tells her he’ll see her later. Her shoelace breaks as she’s telling him not to leave, a bad omen, and gets the feeling that she might never see him again.
    In the shadow part of the park Shinichi witnesses a payoff, failing to realize the other man in black is not there. He then gets clubbed over the back of the head realizing that the other was behind him. He is fed a poison because so many cops are still in the park, one that wasn’t supposed to be traceable in the autopsy (no true poison does this by the way) and he slips into unconsciousness. He wakes up when the police find him and tries to tell them what he saw. He runs away after seeing his reflection in the glass. After running home and convincing his neighbor Professor Agasa (Agasa Hiroshi) what happened he gets into his house when Ran comes by worried because Shinichi hadn’t been picking up his phone. After putting on his father’s old glasses, he introduces himself as Edogawa Conan (Edogawa for Edogawa Ranpo and Conan for Sir Arthur Conan Doyle).
    Note in that manga scan, on the shelf you see the spine of one of the Magic Kaitou volumes, another work by Gosho. In the anime on the lower shelf one of the books begins with Phantom. Hehe, now onward!
    Agasa convinces Shinichi that he should go home with her because her father is a detective, albeit at the moment an out of work one thanks to Shinichi, but in living there Shinichi can keep an eye out for the Men In Black. Ran thinks he’s just adorable and that is the beginning of Ran-neechan and Conan-kun.
    Now on the walk home because she feels like Conan is her little brother and heck she can just tell him anything, she starts asking him if there’s someone he likes. He replies with the usual six year oldreply of girls are icky. She says that she has someone and of course Shinichi, thinking it as just a tease, asks if it’s the boy that she was looking for (Shinichi). She just about gives him a heart attack when she says yes and goes on to list why she likes him. It’s almost no surprise that when they get to the agency Shinichi feels just a little guilty about it and wants to tell her the truth, despite the warning that Agasa gave him (they’ll kill you if they find out you’re alive) though the real reason he didn’t want to tell her was his pride. Well anyway just as he’s about to tell her Kogoro falls down the stairs in haste to get to a case he just found out about. After Shinichi helps him, discreetly, solve the case Ran gets to asking her father is Conan can stay with them. After Kogoro says yes and that Conan was such good luck that he should stay and be his son (way of saying part of the family) Shinichi just thinks to himself that he’s still too little to capture the murderers, thieves, crime-breakers – oh! And that he had to be saved by a girl… and that everything’s backwards now… lota pride in that kid.
    Three days pass and then we find out about Kogoro’s idol, Yoko Okino, a singer/actress. Well of course Shinichi doesn’t think very highly of him and goes to Agasa’s house to complain even if they’re both aware that Kogoro used to be a really good police officer. After that they start talking about Ran and that she came by thinking of going to the police to tell them really about the men in black Shinichi was eyeing, that they might have to do with his disappearance. Which really might have been the smart thing to do, but Agasa calms her down and tells her he’ll be back soon, that he’s just caught up in a case. Shinichi feels bad about it because she never shows how sad she might be at home when serving dinner or anything; he wishes he could do something because he can’t just have her worrying. It’s then that Agasa shows him the handy-dandy bowtie that changes people’s voices, and there begins the plan to make Kogoro a meitantei.
    That evening they get involved in a case concerning Yoko Okino. Conan is desperately trying to put them in the right direction and it continually told to but out. As Ran holds him off to the side she tells him that if Shinichi were there that it would be solved. Another sad scene for the star crossed couple as Conan reassures her that he bets that he’ll be back soon. After using the bowtie to solve the case all if well and it’s not until three days after that when Shinichi realizes of all the things he can do with his bowtie. While walking home with Ran from shopping, she admits, teary-eyed, after seeing how strong Yoko is, that she can’t go to sleep because she’s so worried, and thinks that she’s not that strong. That night Shinichi snuck out, it’s snowing by the way, and calls her from a pay phone telling her not to worry and he’ll be home as soon as he solves it. As he’s talking to her he thinks how he regrets not being able to talk to her normally… but when he gets his body back, when that time comes, he’d tell her straight out his true feelings for her.
    And that is just what happens.
    In the next one he gets his super sneakers but nothing too important happens.
    The next important case involves the Billion Yen robbery.
    After getting his new glasses with the tracer Conan goes home and sees that they are handling a case. A girl, Hirota Misami, is looking for her missing father. A week later they find him but soon after he is found dead. When they go to see Megure-keibu, they assume that the girl was taken and may be dead. On the way home Conan remembers that his tracker fell on the girls watch (after he tripped trying to stick it to Ran’s, ahem, upper leg). The glasses lead him to a pachinko parlor were he runs into a large man just as the batteries in the glasses die. Later that day they discover another detective who was helping a large man find his brother. The picture he was given was one of Mr. Hirota.
    After getting his glasses charged he uses the glasses to lead them to a hotel. As they are about to get into the elevator a woman coming out was startled and the things on her cart fell off. Once upstairs they find the large man dead from cyanide. They receive a call from Megure and find out Hirota-san was single with no family. Conan see empty duralumin suitcases that would have held money. He figures they all must have been partners for the billion yen robbery. Then with Ran following him they follow Masami to the docks.
    That’s when the POV shifts to Masami, or rather Miyano Akemi, a low level member of the organization of the men in black. Akemi talks with them demanding they release her younger sister. They counter that she is too important and shoot her. Ran and Conan find her just as she’s shot. Ran runs too call the police and Shinichi tells her who he really is, knowing full well that she is about to die. She tells him where the money is, not wanting to be used by them anymore.
    After that sad part of the series we get a kid case that introduces Yoshida Ayumi, Kojima Genta and Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko on some adventure in some ghost house…. Yay team.. okay then after that is the The Cruise Ship Murder of the Hatamoto Clan (Smooth Sailing), The Mysterious Gifts (the one that Ran suspects Conan), and The Art Museum Murder (where the curator was the knight). A note on each of those Takeshi is like Takagi (a police officer who appears later on who btw is like Shinichi in personality) and in one point during the case Natsue, Takashi’s wife asks Ran if she has a boyfriend, and because she describes Shinichi, Conan is blushing like mad. Kogoro is a very good detective in that one, cop instincts kicking in, up until Conan uses the stun watch so he can solve the case. In the beginning of the mysterious gifts one Natsue calls Shinichi Ran’s boyfriend in a letter. Ran blushes and thinks where is Shinichi. She thinks aloud he might have lost his touch, Conan’s reaction is less than pleased. It’s during this case that Ran’s suspicion climbs quickly until she corners him. In the art museum Ran threatens both Kogoro and Conan by saying they could cook their own dinners either meaning they can’t cook or that her’s is better than anything.
    The next important case involves the men in black and the train bomb threat. Conan is on a train trip with Ran and Kogoro when he sees the men in black, in the manga there is no kids along for the ride. Well after planting a listening device he finds out their names, Gin (the blond/silver haired one) and Vodka (the stockier stupider one). They get off the train and Conan is left to find which passenger was left with the bomb. He finds it, and uses his super sneakers to kick the bomb out the window before it explodes saving Ran, but not before almost telling her who he is… leaving her to wonder in the next case, the Italian Mob case, to ask him when she takes the kids to see the Tokyo tower, the beginning of Ran-neechan taking them places.
    As the kids go off to see a Kamen Yaiba show she’s left alone to notice that there are only couples there and that she once went there with Shinichi, and pressed a coke to her cheek. Well guess how she’s shaken out of her thoughts – Conan pressing a coke to her face. And then she asks him what he meant the other day, about who he really is. He scrambles for an answer and then strikes a pose in desperation to say “I’m Kamen Yaiba!” and runs off while the couples around them gush over how cute he is. And then we get a sad repeat of his promise that one day he’ll tell her. At the end of the case we get the first display of how much Ayumi adores Conan.
    After that is the Mountain Villa murder, the introduction of Ran’s bestfriend, Suzuki Sonoko, who is really really rich (maybe not as rich as Shinichi but that is debatable). Well since it is the Suzuki Villa Sonoko’s sister, Ayako, is there as well. It’s a reunion of Ayako’s film club from college the thing is that this bandaged man keeps showing up and scaring them after he tried to kill Ran. Well then after, the bridge goes out, one girl dies but after checking that the villa is secured they go to sleep. When Conan is thinking about the case Ran interrupts him because she’s a bit scared and gets in his bed (it really is a pity that he’s stuck as Conan but if he were still Shinichi he would never be in that situation -_-*sigh*). And then after that and realizing just how close she is, he can’t think… but doesn’t fall asleep. A good thing too because Ran is attacked again, and he sprains his ankle while saving her. After that Ran carries Conan around piggy-back (kawaii!!! (cute)). There’s a third attack after the power goes out and then “Sonoko” solves that case (Conan used the wrist watch and the bow-tie).
    After that case is the “Karaoke Killing case” in which Conan uses Shinichi’s voice to solve the case. It’s around Christmas time again and the subject of Shinichi comes up. Ran lists off all the things wrong with Shinichi (smug, rude, cocky) “but still… there’s something about him.” After that Sonoko invites Ran to meet the lead singer of Lex. A case comes up, Conan solves it using his real voice but through a speaker so he doesn’t have to actually be there. After the case is solved, Ran waits outside Shinichi’s house hoping to see him. The lights come on and Ran steps inside calling out for him. She stops by the stairs and then the lights go out. And then, as Conan, he puts his hand on hers, and using the bow-tie, talks to her as Shinichi.
    (Note as the story goes on you start thinking of Shinichi and Conan as separate people though you’re fully aware that they are the same person…).
    He leaves her a Christmas present when he “leaves” and for the next hour is left to run around the house avoiding Ran as she is looking for Shinichi.
    The next case is really great- the kidnapping of Edogawa Conan- and I won’t really spoil it but we meet Shinichi’s globetrotting parents. His mother, Yukiko, was an acclaimed actress (her career began when she was 16 in a tv drama and won every award there was to win by the time she was 19) and his father, Yusaku, is a mystery writer who is famous for his Night Baron novels, a phantom thief who went mad and kills whoever gets in his way. They want to take him out of Japan for his safety but he demands to stay, saying it’s his case, really thinking all the while of Ran. Of course his father is quick on the uptake (he knows Shinichi is thinking about Ran) and lets him stay, paying the Mouri’s well for it. Of course for all the trouble his parents put him through, Shinichi calls his father’s editors and tells them where the elusive Kudo Yusaku is (he’s always running from his editors).
    And after that exciting case we get:
    The Disguised Sword Murder – nothing important there except Kogoro acting funny.
    The Intro. of the Shonen Tantei – when the kids finally come up with the name.
    Festival Night Photograph Murder – the one where we meet Inspector Yokomizo Sango from the Saitama Prefecture who thinks the detective Mouri Kogoro is really smart.
    Moonlight Sonata Murder – sad case.
    Shinichi’s Girlfriend – funny case where we see just how scary Ran-neechan can be when a girl says she missed ‘her Shinichi.’ Nice part at the end when we get Shadow Shinichi, upgraded from ‘Blackout Shinichi.’ Ran cried, Shinichi said something along the lines that he doesn’t like to see her cry but then ‘runs off’.
    The case after that one in the manga is The Night Baron Murder, which in the anime comes later. I won’t spoil it cause it is just so cool, but Ran, Conan and Kogoro go to the beach at Izu staying at the Izu Princess Hotel (Ran’s wearing a sexy one-piece) where they are joining a mystery tour, and by chance meet the guy that inspired Ran to start karate. We get the second appearance of Inspector Yokomizo and a memory for Ran and Shinichi! Ran has to prove the karate guy innocent and she remembers what Shinichi once told her. That if it were someone he knew he would be so tired when he accused him because by then he would have looked for every possible way to prove them innocent.
    After that is the June Bride Murder Case, the one when we meet Megure’s boss, Matsumoto Kiyonaga, the father of the bride.
    Then Ayumi-chan's Kidnapping Case, nothing too exciting there but after that is….!
    The Murder Case of Kogoro's Classmate! Where Kogoro proves he does have a brain working in there! Great case because we also get the sexy hot spring scene between Ran and Conan (hehe.)
    Then Reika’s Birthday Murders- Ran is attacked (poor girl, always a target) and when Conan gets there he finds her unconscience. When she kinda wakes up as Conan is calling desperately for her to wake up she thinks it’s Shinichi there.
    As we approach file 100 we are treated to the introduction of the Great Detective of the West, Hattori Heiji, who is kinda obsessed to prove that he’s a better detective than Shinichi. He asks Ran, if during the phone calls she gets from Shinichi if he asks how she’s doing. When she says no, he thinks he must be around somewhere where he can see her. And that gets Ran a little mad, Shinichi stalking her and not seeing her. Conan is suffering from a cold then and scoffs the best he can, up until Heiji gives him a remedy for his cold (Chinese Sake). Then a client comes, they go to her house, a murder comes up (no duh) and Conan is trying to help solve it but Heiji being there doesn’t make it easy and he is feeling really sick. And then he faints and is taken out of the room as Heiji is about to “solve the murder.” Ran leaves Conan to get the doctor but when she comes back Conan is gone. As she joins the rest in the study when Heiji is declaring the murder, Kudo Shinichi (no longer Conan) steps in (looking just a bit tired) saying Heiji is wrong. He points them all to the real culprit.
    Afterward Ran practically jumps on him asking him for an explanation, has he been stalking her. He laughs and says, very romantically, that he can tell how she is just by the sound of her voice. Then he falls into a coughing fit and Heiji says he guesses Shinichi won. And Shinichi says that detective work is not a game, there’s no winner or loser, no higher or lower, but always only one truth. And then he has to huff it to get away from Ran as he can feel himself turning back into Conan, really mad that he has too – really sad scene… cause he just wants to tell her… (sniff…)
    After that case we get one with the kids, stuff happens and afterward Conan goes to Agasa’s house wanting to try the alcohol again – the only thing he turns into is one drunk little boy.
    The next one after that is the snowy mountain villa murder, where Conan, Ran and Kogoro go skiing and can’t get into their villa, meet a professor who loves Kogoro’s work as a detective but ends up the victim of a murder. Shogi was involved for the dying message. After that is the TV Station Murder, where Kogoro solves the murder on tv, of course we know it’s Conan using the bow-tie. Oh and we get another look at how bad Ran’s sense of direction is. After that we meet Eri in “Enter the Queen of the Courtroom” when Conan thinks Ran is going out on a date to meet a boy. A display of how jealous Shinichi is, maybe worse than Ran. Then “The Kiri Tengu Legend Murder Case” where the three go to see cherry blossoms, their car breaks down and they stay at a temple. Of course there is some murder they have to solve which is, but not before us getting the first dose of how scared Ran is of monsters, ghost, etc. Snuggles near Conan again. After that we get “The Secret of the Moon, the Star, and the Sun.” Not a really important case.
    But then we get “Tequila’s Appearance” when the three of them are visiting a mantendo convention (video games) when Conan runs into a large man in Black. While following him Conan decides he’s just an employee, that is until he’s buying a tomato juice for Kogoro and hears him say “Tell Gin.” And from there he is able to get a tracer/listening device on the guy’s shoes. Unfortunately, the guypicked up the wrong suitcase and was blown up before Conan could find out anything else. Once the case is solved, Conan asks the guy who was meeting Tequila what else he knew. Unfortunately he didn’t know much and met him at the Cocktail Bar at the top of the Daikoku building. Conan runs there but just as he’s getting to the top floor on the elevator a bomb goes off. Which scares Conan because Gin and Vodka might have been killed in the blast.
    After that we get the “Holmes Lovers Case” where Heiji finds out who Conan really is…. And it’s really Conan’s fault because he used Heiji to give the deduction. Of course Heiji was about to blackmail Conan by telling Ran, who would have believed it in an instant.
    Then we get “Triple Threat” where we see Ran in a swim suit, which Sonoko blurts out for Conan to hear that she bought especially for Shinichi. (He starts to swim over to get a better look.) Then after that is “An Illustrator Murder Case” and then “The Murder Case of the Big Monster Gomera,” nothing real special in those two.
    After that we get three big cases. But the other two will have to wait for tomorrow.
    The first one is “Shinichi Discovered/ Yusaku’s Affair” and was a special when it aired in Japan. It starts out with Conan (Shinichi) talking to his mom, Yukiko, who is convinced Yusaku is having an affair. He came home drunk and with lipstick on his shirt. She thinks, logically, that she should have an affair too. He hangs up and thinks it’s impossible for his father to have an affair “How can someone whose head is so full of deduction and plot have time for that kind of thing?” (stupid naïve Shinichi!) Truth be told, his parents are always having some kind of fight anyway. When Agasa says that arguing is a sign of a good relationship he asks Conan about Ran. To which he says he sees her everyday, he sees her so much he’s tired of her (stupid ungrateful….) When he get’s back to the agency Kogoro is arguing with Eri on the phone (seems as if all couples are having problems). Conan falls asleep on the couch to forget his hunger. When Ran comes back she sees Conan asleep and takes off his glasses but is startled by how familiar he looks (she hasn’t placed it yet.) When Conan wakes up he snatches back his glasses. After that a client comes in and Kogoro finds out it was Ran who set it up that Eri send over a client. A magician died a week ago, someone Ran and Shinichi once met. When she finds the photo of the two of them she realizes who Conan looks like (Shinichi of course). When meeting the three magician students (in their 20s) Ran at one point has doves coming out from under her clothes (giving Conan an opportunity to see her underwear (white)). She tells him angrily don’t look, the way she would tell Shinichi. A little while later a classmate of Conan, the dead magician’s daughter, begs Conan to come shopping with her. (Obviouslyhe’s popular at school, albeit a bit odd). That’s when Ran comes in and says he can’t (Ran jealous of a six year old ladies and gentlemen). Well Conan helps solve the case and Conan notices her acting odder and odder. (in this case you find out how much Gosho like magicians and that a lot die in murders that look like accidents).
    After it’s solved Ran and Conan walk home alone, but not the usual route but taking the one through Beika street, past Shinichi’s house. Luckily for Conan, Yukiko shows up just as Ran is cornering him. Well Ran leaves after being convinced. Yukiko and Conan talk about what would have happened if Ran found out (they took a bath together remember) but then they talk about how Yukiko has more or less left Yusaku, but she doesn’t care much and calls her son Shin-chan and is giddy over how “It’s like she’s young again!” Of course Shinichi hates being babied over. The next day they out to an appointment that Yukiko has and introduces Conan as her second son (honestly woman there are enough lies going around). A case pops up and we meet Lieutenant Yamamura, from theGunmaPrefecture. As Conan is solving the case and declares the murderer the man in the coat and scarf that had been stalking the area comes into the room and says “Not good enough yet.” He tells them to play the tape and explains the rest once he introduces himself as a “simple story teller.” Of course it’s none other than Yusaku. (Both of Shinichi’s parents are so darn dramatic.) Well he solves the case and this is how he get’s Yukiko back – throwing her a motorcycle helmet and telling her to get on. Of course she does (and I think it’s cause he came all the way from Los Angeles to go after her. So men, if you find yourself in such situation, go after her!) When dropping Conan off, his parents both tell him give him warnings. Yukiko says that Ran’s smile didn’t quite convince her that she really believed. Yusaku tells him not to underestimate women… or else.

    Bunga lambang divisi 1: Chrysanthemum (kenyataan dan kemurnian)
    Caption: Tidak dapat diguncang, seperti poros yang tidak dapat digerakkan

    Bunga lambang divisi 2: Tulip/ Nodding Anemone (tidak menginginkan apapun)
    Caption: Berbalik, dan hanya sebuah afterimage yang tertinggal

    Bunga lambang divisi 3: Marigold (keputusasaan)
    Caption: ...... Senyum, suatu tindakan intimidasi

    Bunga lambang divisi 4: Bellflower (yang berkabung dicintai)
    Caption: Keanggunan sejati

    Bunga lambang divisi 5: Lily of the valley (pengorbanan, bahaya, cinta sejati, "Mari kita berdua mengembara bersama-sama")
    Caption: Menatap matahari

    Bunga lambang divisi 6: Camellia (berdasarkan kemuliaan)
    Caption: Prinsip tertanam pada matanya

    Bunga lambang divisi 7: Iris (keberanian)
    Caption: Kesetiaan yang stabil; tidak dapat digoyahkan

    Bunga lambang divisi 8: Bird of Paradise/Strelitzia (memiliki segalanya dalam genggaman tangan)
    Caption: Bagiku, sayang sekali bila tidak menari, apapun yang terjadi

    Bunga lambang divisi 9: Poppy putih (pelupaan total)
    Caption: Secercah cahaya yang berkedip di kegelapan yang tertutup

    Bunga lambang divisi 10: Narcissus (misteri dan egoisme)
    Caption: Semangat yang beku

    Bunga lambang divisi 11: Yarrow (pertarungan)
    Caption: melahap segalanya, iblis dari pedang yang haus darah

    Bunga lambang divisi 12: Thistle Jepang (balas dendam, kekejaman, kemandirian)
    Caption: peneliti dengan niat pembunuh

    Bunga lambang divisi 13: Snowdrop (harapan)
    Caption: persahabatan yang melingkup semuanya

                    PRSI kabupaten Batang kembali mengadakan kompetisi renang antar sekolah se-Kabupaten Batang untuk yang keempat kalinya di kolam renang Laguna Sendang Sari-Selasa, 10 April 2012 kemarin dari pukul 07.00 hingga 15.00. tujuan diadakan KRAS adalah sebagai wadah pembibitan atlet- atlet muda yang berkecimpung di cabang olahraga renang.
                    Kompetisi ini diikuti oleh peserta dari PAUD hingga SMA sederajat. Untuk peserta PAUD sendiri cukup banyak tidak seperti peserta SMA yang sepi peminat.
                    Ketua PRSI Kabupaten Batang, Wahyu Jatmiko S.H S.Pd membuka acara ini setelah pertandingan 100 meter gaya dada dilaksanakan dan sekaligus acara penyerahan piala secara simbolis kepada para pemenang nomor tersebut.
                    Adapun nomor cabang yang dilombakan adalah 50 meter untuk gaya dada, gaya bebas, gaya punggung, dan gaya kupu- kupu. Dan 100 meter untuk gaya dada, gaya bebas, dan gaya ganti. Sedangkan untuk PAUD dan SD kelas C semua nomor dilombakan dengan lintasan 25 meter.
                    Hadiah untuk tiap pemenang nomor berupa piala dan pagam penghargaan. Sedangkan juara umum putra/ putri tingkat SMA sederajat mendapat uang pembinaan sebesar Rp. 200.000,00, SMP putra/ putri sebesar Rp. 150.000,00, dan untuk SD/PAUD putra/putri sebesar Rp. 100.000,00.

                    Minggu, 8 april 2012 rakyat Kabupaten Batang tengah merayakan hari adi Kabupaten Batang yang ke-46 tahun. Perayaan dimulai dari tanggal 7 April 2012 dengan diselenggarakan kirab budaya dan mozaik yang diikuti oleh ribuan peserta dari seluruh lapisan masyarakat Batang. Kirab tersebut juga dimeriahkan oleh Marching Band Locananta Akmil asal Magelang dan Red Batik Solo. Kirab dimulai pukul satu siang dan dibuka oleh Bupati Batang, Yoyok Riyo Sudibyo di Lapangan Dracik Batang dan finish di Gedung Wanita yang berada di jalan Dr. Wahidin Kauman Batang.
                    Tahun ini kirab mengusung tema batik, peserta dari sekolah mengenakan balutan batik yang dimodifikasi dengan karakter- karakter yang berbeda- beda seperti tumbuhan atau patung emas. Seluruh warga Batang tumpah ruah dan turun ke jalan. Tak seperti tahun- tahun sebelumnya, kirab tahun ini lebih menarik perhatian masyarakat Batang meskipun tidak ada panggung hiburan seperti yang diadakan pada tahun- tahun sebelumnya.
                    Dan tahun ini, sang bupati sendiri juga ikut kirab dengan berjalan kaki dan disambut meriah oleh masyarakat yang berebut bersalaman dengan orang nomor wahid di Kabupaten yang berdiri dari pemugaran Kota Madya Pekalongan ini. Sedangakn kereta kencana yang didatangkan dari Solo digunakan untuk mengangkut kerabat Buptai dan sesepuh Batang.
                    Sedangkan pagi harinya, diadakan lomba marching band anatar TK dan SD se Kabupaten Batang. Dan hari berikutnya, tanggal 8 April 2012 diadakan lomba marching band tingkat SMP dan SMA sederajat. Keduanya diselenggarakan di alun- alun Kabupaten Batang.
                    Khusus tahun ini, perayaan HUT Kabupaten Batang tidak dirayakan secara hura- hura namun dengan penuh khidmat dan merakyat. Umur Kabupaten Batang  terhitung sudah semakin dewasa, hendakanya kabupaten ini segera bertumbuh dan berkembang. Bercermin dari masa- masa lalu untuk dijadikan acuan agar kehiudapan masyarakatnya sejahtera dan tidak terbuai akan SDM laut yang melimpah yang saat ini menopang perekonomian rakyat Batang yang mayoritas pelaut. Semua harus maju dari segala aspek, tidak hanya itu semoga moral dan etika masyarakat menjadi lebih baik lagi. Rakyat yang baik dengan pemimpin yang baik akan menciptakan wilayah yang baik pula.
                    Bupati pemenang pemilu periode 2012-2016 menghendaki adanya penghematan untuk menekan pengeluaran APBD. Semoga visi dan misi Bupati baru kita tercapai dan mampu memimpin masyarakat Batang ke babak baru yang tentunya harus lebih baik dari Bupati terdahulu.
                    Dirgahayu Kabupaten Batang yang ke-46.

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